Photographer Interview
Elizabeth Chiyoko:- Me :) (thought I would start the ball rolling)

Elizabeth Chiyoko:- Me :) (thought I would start the ball rolling)
Let's get the obvious question out of the way: what made you decide to pick up a camera and be a photographer?
I have been interested in the model/imaging industry since I was 12 and was inspired by models such as Ivy Midsomer, Ulorin Vex, Morgana and Assisted Suicide. I was never pretty enough to be a model so I decided to try my hand at taking the photos. Some people tell me I'm pretty good at it which is why I decided to carry it on. I did my first proper shoot when I was 17 with Candy Corpse (AKA Sola Ravine) and just wanted to do more and more!
Who/what is your inspiration?
I used to be inspired by people such as Aiko273 and Root of Silence but then I realised that having an "icon" or someone to look upto wasnt exactly the best way to go about being different or expressing myself. So I stopped looking upto people and became my own inspiration. My music and thoughts usually create the shoot ideas all on their own!
What has been your most interesting shoot to date?
It would have to be the Nazi abuse shoot with Integra Fairbrook and Marko. We went to an disused power plant and Integra got naked while Marko did his thing. The photos were intense and I love them! Probably some of my best. I expected to get a lot more abuse from it but I'm so glad that I didnt and that people realised they are only photos. No Jews were harmed in the making of the photographs!
I have been interested in the model/imaging industry since I was 12 and was inspired by models such as Ivy Midsomer, Ulorin Vex, Morgana and Assisted Suicide. I was never pretty enough to be a model so I decided to try my hand at taking the photos. Some people tell me I'm pretty good at it which is why I decided to carry it on. I did my first proper shoot when I was 17 with Candy Corpse (AKA Sola Ravine) and just wanted to do more and more!
Who/what is your inspiration?
I used to be inspired by people such as Aiko273 and Root of Silence but then I realised that having an "icon" or someone to look upto wasnt exactly the best way to go about being different or expressing myself. So I stopped looking upto people and became my own inspiration. My music and thoughts usually create the shoot ideas all on their own!
What has been your most interesting shoot to date?
It would have to be the Nazi abuse shoot with Integra Fairbrook and Marko. We went to an disused power plant and Integra got naked while Marko did his thing. The photos were intense and I love them! Probably some of my best. I expected to get a lot more abuse from it but I'm so glad that I didnt and that people realised they are only photos. No Jews were harmed in the making of the photographs!
Where do you see yourself and your photography in 5 years time?
To be honest, I dont. I just see myself in debt from uni, trying to get a job and trying to live. Maybe carry on photography as a side piece, but I dont plan, and never have planned, to be big from it. It's just too unrealistic for me. Like they say, the only money is in porn.
Have you ever had people being stupidly negative towards you and your work? and how did you deal with it?
Yeah, usually indirectly where you know they are talking about you but are too cowardly to say it outright. Usually people with large talk but only behind their computer screens. If it came to meeting them in person, I can imagine they would kiss ass like most of the cowards. I dont deal with it because I dont have to deal with it. My usual response is "Sorry this photo offends you" and leave it at that.
So let's talk news, how are you coping with the economic climate? Have you had to cut back on equipment/shooting in general?
Fortunately I'm not a spoilt brat. So I know how to manage my money as my parents taught me the value of money. So therefore I havent really been affected at all. I imagine things will be tougher when I go to university, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it.
Let's say I'm a model, and I want to work with you really bad! What would you look for in me before considering me as a potential model?
I look for diversity. I always have and always will. I dont want to recreate a photograph you have already done! Show me something exciting, be daring, be brave enough to step out of your comfort zone. I also look for quality over quantity and wardrobe variations. I hate seeing the same outfit twice in a portfolio. Also I like to see good track records, like good references from photographers.

We know that every photographer has good and bad shoots, but when are you most satisfied with a shoot?
When I've not had to draw blood from a stone to get the model to change her/his face! that is something I find so difficult sometimes. When someone has given me a good set in the first half an hour, I know that it's all good from here onward.
There is always room for improvement! Where/how would you like to improve with your photography?
I think I need to be a little bit more selective with who I work with now, so I dont get the same old stuff reappearing. I have some amazing shoots booked already for 2010 so hopefully that will improve my portfolio somewhat!
Have you ever had a bad experience with a model?
Yes. I had a model who took 2 hours to turn up to the shoot from what should have been a 30 minute journey and then when they did turn up, they had no idea what they were doing and were convinced that if they did an action shot of them doing a cartwheel it would look great. I can honestly say that it did not. And they spent the majority of the shoot telling me about conspiracy theories and random government cover ups. I didnt know whether to be angry that I had wasted a day, or scared that I was talking to this person.
What is your pet hate for models?
No shows and flakes. And those who say they are experienced yet do not deliver on the day. That just irritates me so much!
What is your pet hate for photographers?
Egos and being so far up their own arse they forget that they too can be wrong with the things they say and that their work isnt all that. Having a following does not make you Jesus.

Are you self taught? Or did you attend photography classes/courses?
Self taught, but then decided to do a course as a doss course. I've been told I have "the eye" so that should serve me well. So far I feel it has. It's also more fun this way!
Sometimes you just have to learn lessons in life the hard way, what would you say has been your most valuable lesson along your photographic journey?
Be wary of those who only speak to you to bleed you dry. Most of the time they arent your friend, they just want what you can offer and when they have it, they will fuck you off like a £20 whore.
And finally, what would be your dream collaboration?
Oooo Model wise would have to be Ivory Flame, Ruby True or Ulorin Vex and MUA Bea Sweet with designer Mother of London!
To be honest, I dont. I just see myself in debt from uni, trying to get a job and trying to live. Maybe carry on photography as a side piece, but I dont plan, and never have planned, to be big from it. It's just too unrealistic for me. Like they say, the only money is in porn.
Have you ever had people being stupidly negative towards you and your work? and how did you deal with it?
Yeah, usually indirectly where you know they are talking about you but are too cowardly to say it outright. Usually people with large talk but only behind their computer screens. If it came to meeting them in person, I can imagine they would kiss ass like most of the cowards. I dont deal with it because I dont have to deal with it. My usual response is "Sorry this photo offends you" and leave it at that.
So let's talk news, how are you coping with the economic climate? Have you had to cut back on equipment/shooting in general?
Fortunately I'm not a spoilt brat. So I know how to manage my money as my parents taught me the value of money. So therefore I havent really been affected at all. I imagine things will be tougher when I go to university, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it.
Let's say I'm a model, and I want to work with you really bad! What would you look for in me before considering me as a potential model?
I look for diversity. I always have and always will. I dont want to recreate a photograph you have already done! Show me something exciting, be daring, be brave enough to step out of your comfort zone. I also look for quality over quantity and wardrobe variations. I hate seeing the same outfit twice in a portfolio. Also I like to see good track records, like good references from photographers.
We know that every photographer has good and bad shoots, but when are you most satisfied with a shoot?
When I've not had to draw blood from a stone to get the model to change her/his face! that is something I find so difficult sometimes. When someone has given me a good set in the first half an hour, I know that it's all good from here onward.
There is always room for improvement! Where/how would you like to improve with your photography?
I think I need to be a little bit more selective with who I work with now, so I dont get the same old stuff reappearing. I have some amazing shoots booked already for 2010 so hopefully that will improve my portfolio somewhat!
Have you ever had a bad experience with a model?
Yes. I had a model who took 2 hours to turn up to the shoot from what should have been a 30 minute journey and then when they did turn up, they had no idea what they were doing and were convinced that if they did an action shot of them doing a cartwheel it would look great. I can honestly say that it did not. And they spent the majority of the shoot telling me about conspiracy theories and random government cover ups. I didnt know whether to be angry that I had wasted a day, or scared that I was talking to this person.
What is your pet hate for models?
No shows and flakes. And those who say they are experienced yet do not deliver on the day. That just irritates me so much!
What is your pet hate for photographers?
Egos and being so far up their own arse they forget that they too can be wrong with the things they say and that their work isnt all that. Having a following does not make you Jesus.
Are you self taught? Or did you attend photography classes/courses?
Self taught, but then decided to do a course as a doss course. I've been told I have "the eye" so that should serve me well. So far I feel it has. It's also more fun this way!
Sometimes you just have to learn lessons in life the hard way, what would you say has been your most valuable lesson along your photographic journey?
Be wary of those who only speak to you to bleed you dry. Most of the time they arent your friend, they just want what you can offer and when they have it, they will fuck you off like a £20 whore.
And finally, what would be your dream collaboration?
Oooo Model wise would have to be Ivory Flame, Ruby True or Ulorin Vex and MUA Bea Sweet with designer Mother of London!
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