Friday 22 January 2010

Model interview
Miss Lily Stark
:- Beautiful lady who I have had the pleasure to meet and work with!

So, the question that everyone just has to ask in an interview: What made you decide to give modelling a shot?
One of my friends, Sugar Cain, introduced me to OTN Photographic and we did a shoot at his place in Scotland and it all kicked off from there really.

Who/what is your inspiration?
Miss Mosh and Ulorin Vex are the main models I draw inspiration from for my poses, make up and clothing ideas, they are amazing and I aim to be as well known as them! The key photographer I love is Lithium Picnic, that man is a god and I hope to work with him soon!

What was your most interesting shoot to date?
My most interesting shoot? Hmm shoots with Asylumsevety7 are always interesting, he is full of cool and messy ideas, one of the shoots we did I had marmite and cream dripping out of my mouth!

Where do you see yourself and your modelling in 5 years time?
I hope to be a product model, and have become the face of a few big make up brands and clothes too and still loving every second of been in front of the camera and giving it my all.

So many models have side projects, do you have one? Or would you like one?
At the moment no as I'm trying to just push my modelling. Though in the future I would like to be a choreographer for other peoples shoots and give direction on helping to get the perfect image.

Okay, let's talk news, how are you coping with the economic climate? Have you had to cut back on shooting/clothing/travel?
Yes unfortunately I have on all 3 counts! So I have been trying to get clothing shoots or booking shoots further apart which is annoying but I'm still shooting at least :D

Have you ever been unfortunate enough to have a bad experience with a photographer?
I've been pretty lucky and not had any really bad experiences so far. I think the worst was when a photographer got a bit too excited on a underwear shoot :s

How do you respond to jealous low life who hide behind the internet to only say mean things to bring you down?
I have not encountered this as of yet, thank god! Though I have seen a lot of it on forums etc, I think it is really sad that some people can't just look at other peoples work and say well done when it is great and instead have to bitch because they haven't worked as hard as that person. If this ever happens to me I will just leave it and if I ever meet the person just ask them why they feel that way about my work.

What is more important to you: Getting paid, or getting exposure?
For me I would say exposure, I want to become a house hold name in the modelling and photography world.

Everyone knows that a model has to feel sexy and comfortable with themselves. When do you feel at your sexiest and most comfortable?
I feel my most sexy and comfortable when I'm in front of the camera and I know I'm doing a great job and I can tell that the photographer thinks that too.

We know that you are only human! With that in mind, what is your most embarrassing moment on set and off?
OMG! When it snowed before Christmas I was walking past some shops and all the snow fell off the roof and hit me! I was covered and pulling snow balls out of my hair :(

What is your pet hate for photographers?
Photographers who don't have a clue what they want from the shoot so you just muddle through it

What is your pet hate for models?

Stuck up models who can't accept the other people model too and think they are the only people who should model.

Sometimes, you just gotta learn some lessons in life the hard way. What do you think has been the most valuable lesson you have learnt along the way in your modelling journey?
Hmm I would say stay true to yourself and do what you want, don't get forced to do things just because the photographer says do it and always push to be better don't just stay the same and not try.

And finally, what would be your dream collaboration?
It has to be Lithium Picnic! His work is amazing and always different/unique!

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