So, the question that everyone just has to ask in an interview: What made you decide to give modelling a shot?
I have been modelling for just under a year and a half now, what made me give modelling a shot was firstly to build my confidence up and I was fed up of countless magazines, programme’s clothing lines etc enforcing the stereotype that if you’re not 5’8+, extremely slim, Editorial you’re not beautiful. I wanted to take a chance and try and contribute to changing these views.
Who/what is your inspiration?
I am extremely inspired by old Hollywood glamour & old film noir movies; I love the notion of the Femme Fetale and the idea of playing different roles.
I am also inspired by surreal art work and artwork that pushes the boundaries of what art is considered to be.
What was your most interesting shoot to date?
Oh I would have to say, wearing baby dead octopuses! As a hair and neck accessory! It looked good but as the shoot went on they started to defrost leaving me covered in octopus ink! Aesthetically pleasing, but not
Where do you see yourself and your modelling in 5 years time?
To be continuing to model and carry on meeting new photographers, models and having more wonderful opportunities and experiences. I hope to have obtained some publishing, and I would like to be modelling for fashion/clothing designers.
So many models have side projects, do you have one? Or would you like one?
I have a couple of side projects. I’m currently learning how to tattoo, having had to turn an apprenticeship down due to university commitments I am working on building my portfolio back up and hopefully receive another opportunity. I also like to create small films and scripts in my spare time.
Okay, let's talk news, how are you coping with the economic climate? Have you had to cut back on shooting/clothing/travel?
I have definitely had to cut down on my travelling, and invest in a student card!.
Have you ever been unfortunate enough to have a bad experience with a photographer?
I have actually been quite fortunate with not having any really bad experiences with photographers, the worst experience i would say was not receiving pictures back and then not being able to find the photographer after they deleted there account.
How do you respond to jealous low life who hide behind the internet to only say mean things to bring you down?
I try to ignore it and rise above it but there has been occasions that’s been extremely difficult to do but as in this industry it’s extremely easy to get a bad reputation i decided that it wouldn’t be long before people would see them for their true colours.
What is more important to you: Getting paid, or getting exposure?
Payment has never been important to me with modelling; I would never want to limit my
modelling to just financial gain, as I enjoy the experience of modelling and meeting new people.
I think I would have to pick exposure I would love to gain exposure for my pictures etc, but hopefully it will come with time.
Everyone knows that a model has to feel sexy and comfortable with themselves. When do you feel at your sexiest and most comfortable?
I would say I feel at my sexiest in latex fashion, couture dresses! There is nothing better than bold makeup and restricting oulfits. I love dressing up and taking on a different role.
We know that you are only human! With that in mind, what is your most embarrassing moment on set and off?
On set I would say falling out of a tree and braking the branch I was clinging to on a shoot with Sarah May, or off set throwing up in a lecture, I don’t think I’ll never live that one down!
What is your pet hate for photographers?
If anything I would say height restriction there are some extremely beautiful model’s out there who don’t fit the height requirement but hardly get the opportunities because of this. Look at beautiful models like Mosh & Apnea who are both extreme petite and tell me height is a problem!.
What is your pet hate for models?
I would say similar to other models responses on this interview. When models act like they are superior to you because of either who they have worked with or who they know. Also the models that have a generally unprofessional and bad attitudes and seem to love creating drama.
Sometimes, you just got to learn some lessons in life the hard way. What do you think has been the most valuable lesson you have learnt along the way in your modelling journey?
Learning to just walk away and keep my head to the future, and if you work hard and keep at it good things will come.
And finally, what would be your dream collaboration?
Oh Well!..
Photographer wise – Julian M Kilsby, Lithium Picnic, Love The Void, Art Punk, Catherine Day,
with clothing designers like – Ooh La Latex, Jane Doe Latex, Torture Couture, Lacing Lilith
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