Model Interview
Mademoiselle Boo:- Retro, pin up, classic and a beautiful person inside and out!
Mademoiselle Boo:- Retro, pin up, classic and a beautiful person inside and out!
So, the question that everyone just has to ask in an interview: What made you decide to give modelling a shot?
I wanted to have the opportunity to meet new people, dress up, have fun and play a different role.
Who/what is your inspiration?
I take inspiration from things around me and in my life, I also take it from work of models and photographers I see have done, theres so much visual stimulation to inspire great works
What was your most interesting shoot to date?
Being fully naked, all be it high heels and a top hat in a certain someone's front rooms with another model wrapped in electricians tape ;)
Where do you see yourself and your modelling in 5 years time?
I'm hoping to have travelled more, worked with more amazing people and done a wider scale of different genres spanning more than
So many models have side projects, do you have one? Or would you like one?
I'm a retro hair stylist, book me ;)
Okay, let's talk news, how are you coping with the economic climate?
Have you had to cut back on shooting/clothing/travel? deffinately, mostly due to a lot of the photographers I want to work with being quite far from me :( My hours get cut back many weeks and I just don't have the money to spare to put all my usual efforts into what I love doing
Have you ever been unfortunate enough to have a bad experience with a photographer?
Yes, I once spent a bit of money [petrol], time and effort and felt like I'd gained nothing from it
How do you respond to jealous low life who hide behind the internet to only say mean things to bring you down?
Work harder to build a better portfolio, get a brilliant rep and get more amazing photographers interested to work with me and I think the experience and images speak for themselves at the end of the day
What is more important to you: Getting paid, or getting exposure?
exposure, the more known the more photographers show interest, then you have an endless list of amazing and fun shoots to attend! However getting paid would be nice so I can afford to travel to all these shoots!!
Everyone knows that a model has to feel sexy and comfortable with themselves. When do you feel at your sexiest and most comfortable?
When I've got the right outfit on and my hair and makeup are up to my standard, if I feel confident in my look I feel sexy and want to show that off
We know that you are only human! With that in mind, what is your most embarrassing moment on set and off?
Travelling to a group shoot where you've never met any of the models and you're not entirely sure whose actually coming, turning up at the train station and being stood looking lost hoping someone might recognize you and ask if you're doing the group photoshoot. I also have an odd sense of humor and it can be arkward when people don't get me and theres just an arkward silence
What is your pet hate for photographers?
Lack of communication, I don't mind waiting for whatever reason but as long as I'm kept informed. And when some act like you're too insignificant to talk to
What is your pet hate for models?
again when they treat you like you're far too insignificant for them to speak to you because they're more well known.
Sometimes, you just gotta learn some lessons in life the hard way. What do you think has been the most valuable lesson you have learnt along the way in your modelling journey?
Not to let anyone take advantage of your time and effort, even if they are a world class photographer, you've taken time out of your life and taken time to make effort for them
And finally, what would be your dream collaboration?
I'd love to do a shoot with Elena Kalis but I did an small underwater shoot recently and my word it was hard, all respect to the models she uses! Most of the young children to! But there are many photographers and models I'd be honoured to work with.
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