Model Interview
Integra Fairbrook:- Model, creative beauty and ready to try any kind of shoot you throw her way!
Integra Fairbrook:- Model, creative beauty and ready to try any kind of shoot you throw her way!
So, the question that everyone just has to ask in an interview: What made you decide to give modelling a shot?
I'v been modelling just over 2 years now, and started modelling really as a way of proving to myself that i could do it; i had a really low self esteem (despite faking confidence) due to the fact i had been very ill when i was younger and would have died.i have been left with extensive scars and constant pain. Basically, i needed someone to flatter me to feel worthy. sad,i know but hey it worked!
Who/what is you inspiration?
My inspiration...thats tough. I cant say i actually do have a specific person or thing that inspires me. Surviving the day seems to be enough motivation for me really! There are plenty of models i look up to, and even who's styles iv imitated myself, but i generally get inspiration from things that have happened or places iv been, not a specific person or object. What motivates me is another question. a chance of fun, adventure (money!) and experiencing things iv never felt/done/seen before, thats my motivation!
What was your most interesting shoot to date?
I have been fortunate enough to have travelled extensively, and have met hundreds of brilliant people and fab places, iv been to multi-million pound houses in Studland (a very elite and muchos expensivos area, near weymouth) to delapidated hospitals to historical victorian houses with secret passages. One of my most interesting experiences however was running naked through woods in torrential rain with Steph from Pirate Photography, cold, but i never felt more alive!!
Where do you see yourself and your modelling in 5 years time?
I hope so! Hopefully i can quit my job and take up modelling full time sometime this year, but im not holding my breath for that; being 5"2 and a commercial model, paid jobs are harder to come by than if i was 6 feet tall. hopefully i'l finally get published too, cus thats not happened either!!
So many models have side projects, do you have one? Or would you like one?
My 'side project' is working full time as a medical receptionist at a GP's surgery! Im hoping to take up Capoeira, a brazillian form of Martial arts (Eddie Gordo from Tekken. legendary!!), so hopefully if i get good at it, i can cut some shapes on a shoot sometime :D
Okay, let's talk news, how are you coping with the economic climate? Have you had to cut back on shooting/clothing/travel?
Luckily for me i managed to come out unscathed from this whole economic shit tip. i,unlike the majority of people,actually started working full time at the end of the year. Just got to save for the future now, which im useless at! My bank account is a tardis. As soon as my wage comes i find lots of pretty things on the internet and *poof* its all gone...
Have you ever been unfortunate enough to have a bad experience with a photographer?
iv had quite an awkward experience before, so much so, i got a little paranoid that the dry spell that followed was something to do with him, and what he may have said after the shoot. Fortunatley everyone else iv worked with was absolutley lovely.
How do you respond to jealous low life who hide behind the internet to only say mean things to bring you down?
I seem to attract numpties. Posting on Modelling forums is usually met with 'Yet another model who's trying to change the modelling're too short, deal with it bitch'.
-someone who i never spoke to in my life actually said that to me when i asked how to promote myself effectively to corsetiers and alt fashion sites/stylists etc. thankfully everyone else who actually read what i wrote defended me, so theyre not all bad (the best bit was, she was about 5"5 and had done 1 or two shoots and had posted really tacky pics of herself she'd shot herself on a webcam as her port, so go figure!). usually the idiots,bad models and jealous folk are like neon signs- quite transparent,and very noticable!!
But other than that, i try not to scream 'OMG SOMEONE'S WRONG ON THE INTERNET!' and get offended by it.
What is more important to you: Getting paid, or getting exposure?
Exposure.Dont get me wrong, paid shoots are great but im not dependant on it because i have a job for that. I'v only been published once, and iv made it my mission that this year i will aim at getting published SOMEWHERE. im bored of doing a shoot that goes nowhere except someones port that few ppl will see. i have to get the exposure to attract the paid shoots, so maybe one will follow the other.
Everyone knows that a model has to feel sexy and comfortable with themselves. When do you feel at your sexiest and most comfortable?
Iv never felt sexier or more comfortable with myself than i have in the last 2 years. Iv had a lot of issues with my body in the past which just dont bother me since i became a model. I just dont care. Im happy with myself, my height weight etc etc, and i know that i (not to blow my own trumpet) have a body and figure to be proud of, and if someone else isnt, then its their problem.Fuck 'em.
We know that you are only human! With that in mind, what is your most embarrassing moment on set and off?
My most embarrasing moment was probably doing my 1st nude shoot. id been modelling 2 months, and not only was it my 1st paid shoot, it was my 1st nude shoot, and was very very self concious about what may be said. either way, managed to get over the embarrasment and eventually worked with the photographer late the next year.Off set,where do i begin. im constantly walking into things, falling over, saying stupid stuff or getting caught pulling daft stunts by bosses...
What is your pet hate for photographers?
Togs who send loads of PM's asking to work with you, setting dates and times for a shoot, being all narcicistic about models who dont show up or cancel at the last minute and then THEY never contact you again, or cancel/rearrange the dates at last minute.Or say you're their fave model, have loads of ideas and promise you the earth, then dont produce.
What is your pet hate for models?
Diva's. i know its a common complaint, but you get so many models who think theyre above you, or think its ok to send a person
Sometimes, you just gotta learn some lessons in life the hard way. What do you think has been the most valuable lesson you have learnt along the way in your modelling journey?
my most valuable lesson was that life's too short to carry upset and hurt through your life. just get on with it, get over it and be happy, for fucks sake!! the world would be a lot happier place if people stopped blaming others for their probs.
'my dad used to beat up my mum, so now i take crack!' fuck that, perhaps u shouldnt use someone elses bad behaviour as an excuse for your own life to go down the pan. if its that bad, do something about it instead of going into a pit of self destruction and bringing yourself and the others around you down.
And finally, what would be your dream collaboration?
I'd love to do beauty work for Loreal or something. something big. something id get recognised for. Id love that :)
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