Photographer Interview
Let's get the obvious question out of the way: what made you decide to pick up a camera and be a photographer?
When I was at Wrexham uni there was a photography element to the course, during that time i spent quite a lot of time in the dark room discovering my style of photography. One of the first images of Wrexham train station that I did got me hooked, even though it's mainly redundant in the digital age but spending all day in a darkroom seeing these images come to life before your eyes in the developer is a feeling sorely missed.
Who/what is your inspiration?
My favourite photographer is Bob Carlos Clarke who is an inspiration in regards to the high quality and narrative in his images, I even had the good fortune to have a quick chat with Tim Woodward at the Skin Two North Fetish Ball and learn what he was like as a person. Other inspiration is cinema, not to the extent of copying but to composition and lighting. And finally comic books, to create something that is larger than life and isn't constrained by our reality.
What has been your most interesting shoot to date?
Not to sound PC but they've all been interesting... The first one with Hexabelle where we was just doing Fonejacker impressions during the shoot... The Sweeney Todd images with Ivy Midsomer... The crutches with Lolita Trash and nearly going flying... All the times working with Kira Krueger as she's mental at throwing great ideas into the mix... They've all been great.
Where do you see yourself and your photography in 5 years time?
Probably still doing TFCD work, I don't see myself going any further than this. I would love to say I've be one of the top alternative photographers in the UK but I'll see what happens.
Have you ever had people being stupidly negative towards you and your work? and how did you deal with it?
Not that many people dislike my work... and if they do I tend to not give a flying fuck, unless of course it's constructive.
So let's talk news, how are you coping with the economic climate? Have you had to cut back on equipment/shooting in general?
Not been an issue as I have a decent set up... yes, I could do with a new camera... yes, I could do with a new graphics tablet... yes, i could do with some lighting accessories... I make do with what I do and don't have, my philosophy is to make something out of nothing.
Let's say I'm a model, and I want to work with you really bad! What would you look for in me before considering me as a potential model?
There has to be a unique quality where I see potential, something that inspires me to come up with a concept. I need to be inspired more than anything else, i want to see the potential to propose a concept the model hasn't doesn't before. Biggest examples of this is Hexabelle where she got all cyber'd up and with AndromedaX where I turned her into a Supervillain, they was things I hadn't seen
We know that every photographer has good and bad shoots, but when are you most satisfied with a shoot?
When myself and the model have a laugh during the shoot and reviewing the images and we both see potential of what I can do in the computer. When the model understands what I'm going to be doing further down the line, when they're on the same page as it were. I also have the bad habit whilst looking through the viewfinder and doing an Austin Powers impression stating how great the model is then I get a really good pose and angle, this means I'm really happy.
There is always room for improvement! Where/how would you like to improve with your photography?
To be more confident with myself, to figure out how to do location work more and utilise my flash gun on location. I want a car for this year so i can get out to locations, can't really drag a model on the bus can I... I want to get my results more in camera rather than in photoshop... that would be the most I'd like to improve. And learn Adobe Lightroom and Bryce, that would be good too!!!
Have you ever had a bad experience with a model?
Someone who was 3 hours late leaving me hanging at Leeds Train Station all that time... I should have walked but I just waited and was in the mood to go mental... but, ended up shooting anyway and discovered a few new techniques in the end.
What is your pet hate for models?
Being up their own backside expecting me to be this big time professional... I'm a simple man, I don't have a large studio and is more make-shift than anything else, my lighting equipment is second hand and does the best it can, I don't have an assistant or a make-up artist on hand. Several times I've been engaged in a dialogue with models and I've always been upfront, and as soon as I'm honest about what I've got they've buggered off, they seem to expect I have more than what the reality is.
What is your pet hate for photographers?
Not being serious about the craft, there's a lot of guys out there more interested in taking blatant nude and fetish shots that border on porn, and being a general pervert with models.
Are you self taught? Or did you attend photography classes/courses?
it started in Wrexham but then moved to doing a degree in Newport. having said that there wasn't really any tuition on practical lighting techniques, they was going through the motions of what had been taught before. Over the past 3 years it's mainly self taught
Sometimes you just have to learn lessons in life the hard way, what would you say has been your most valuable lesson along your photographic journey?
Don't trust people who offer you the chance of going further in return of a "portfolio" piece. I had the misfortune of being contacted by a singer and her manager for a shoot, did some cracking work, some of my best but when it came round to the future and maybe payment I got blown off. I didn't end up giving them the final images. From now on I don't trust a verbal promise to extend my career, I was too trusting and ended up spending over 100 hours doing photoshop and graphic design work. It's not worth the pain and I advise everyone to be wary, wouldn't want anyone having the same experience as myself.
And finally, what would be your dream collaboration?
I'd be happy to work with decent wardrobe stylists and clothing designers and a good make up artist. There's no one in particular.
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