So, the question that everyone just has to ask in an interview: What made you decide to give modelling a shot?
Well I guess its all down to a few good people I know & love; But mainly my Tattooist Rob (Squidink Tattoo – Folkestone) and Thao Nguyen an American student photojournalist. Rob Always told me that I should give modelling a go because I was used to having my picture taken, as having a big blue Mohawk in a small tourist coastal town always attracted attention. Thao gave me that opportunity when she asked to take pictures of me & my friends outside a pub in London. Since then I’ve worked with loads of photographers, met so many good people and gained more extended family members.
Who/what is your inspiration?
I'll draw inspiration from many things, could just be whats floating in my head from after watching TV, or after seeing someone else's pics and thought that I could do that better or with a certain twist etc. So the short answer, anything & everything haha.
What was your most interesting shoot to date?
Well every shoot is different and stands out in it own way, so I can't pick just one. However after attending Fozfest, the whole weeks is a great memory. Basically, for people that don't know what fozfest was, over 20 models & photographers living together for a week in a beautiful remote location in North Scotland. So lots of friends were made, lots of weird and wonderful conversations as well as shoots.
Where do you see yourself and your modelling in 5 years time?
Well I'll be an old timer of 30 then.... hopefully I'll still be shooting every so often (obviously dependant on how well I age haha). Outside of the modelling I'll hopefully be in a steady job & earning a decent living, probably all settled down with a loved one.
So many models have side projects, do you have one? Or would you like one?
Well I dont know if I'd call it a side project, but I do love to fire spin & fire breathe! I've been spinning poi for many years now and nothing beats performing for people at a big event, or getting totally wasted and spinning glow poi in the middle of a club/rave.
Okay, let's talk news, how are you coping with the economic climate? Have you had to cut back on shooting/clothing/travel?
Well if surviving counts as coping then I guess I am.....just. Im currently unemployed and have been for sometime now, and after shaving off my hawk to let it re-grow bigger im also not undertaking any modelling work at present (hopefully back by early summer this year with any luck) just plain old dole scum for the time being. But generally I dont have to put alot of my own money into my shoots, I wear my own clothes as they are normally suitable, and I dont usually travel too far unless my travel expenses are met or I can be collected etc.
Have you ever been unfortunate enough to have a bad experience with a photographer?
I've been quite lucky and not really had any 'bad' experiences with photographers. It may well be that photographers dont want to anger another guy as opposed to a girl, as a guy would be more likely to vent in a physical way (possibly???). I've had awkward moments with regards to my first shoot, told myself I wasn't doing any nudity and did. It wasn't the photographers fault, there just wasn't decent communication from me with regards to my levels etc (lesson learnt).
How do you respond to jealous low life who hide behind the internet to only say mean things to bring you down?
Once again I'm quite lucky and can't really recall many incidents that spring to mind. But I'd normally come back with info about all the beautiful people I know and have worked with, all the events I've been to and things I've seen and ask them to have a think about their own lives and compare.... generally they go quiet after heh heh.
What is more important to you: Getting paid, or getting exposure?
If there was actually any decent money in this line of work for me then I would say getting paid, but only because ive been doing this for years and I've been told im relatively well known in this style of work.... so exposure isn't really that important to me. However, as there isn't any decent money involved, then I actually go down the exposure route as thats the only route available.
Everyone knows that a model has to feel sexy and comfortable with themselves. When do you feel at your sexiest and most comfortable?
I feel quite sexy when im fire performing... I guess it's all the attention :P Otherwise it's probably when I've actually bothered to dress up for a night out and am in a good mood etc..... and by dress up I mean 'washed my clothes' haha
We know that you are only human! With that in mind, what is your most embarrassing moment on set and off?
oooohhhh.... now this is tough for me as I rarely have any shame haha. On set, I guess it would be related to the more....errr... adult stuff I've done. It's not always easy to 'stand to attention' with photographers in the room, dependant on the situation etc, but things can happen that take your mind off the job at hand and well...I think you lot can probably grasp the point here haha.
Off set I cant really think of much, most likely regular stuff like falling over, falling off my skateboard, spilling my pint haha. Oh, just thought of one.... I once set fire to my mohawk during a fire performance... that was pretty embarrasing, I looked a right state after as well :s
What is your pet hate for photographers?
Poor communication. Sometimes it can't be helped, and everyone has their lives to lead, we all understand this. But sometimes some people just can't be bothered...that pises me right off.
What is your pet hate for models?
Divas. I can't stand some people when they have their own head up their arse! Once again, sometimes understandable if they are playing a character for a performance or something related...but off the set its not needed. Also people that call themselves models because their mate got a camera for christmas and had a few shots done..... call yourself a model when you can book your own shoots regularly and have more than one reference ;)
Sometimes, you just gotta learn some lessons in life the hard way. What do you think has been the most valuable lesson you have learnt along the way in your modelling journey?
Reputation can make or break you. Unless you are something completely special or unique that has people flocking to work with you, try not to piss the wrong people off. Like in life, try and trust the right people and be wary of what you say infront of people you dont know... and remember that true friend stab you in the front.
And finally, what would be your dream collaboration?
oooooohhhhh....... so many answers I could put here. For models I would say either my good friend 'Madame Bink' or 'Ulorin Vex', and as for the photographer, I'd like to work with Marc De Groot again... though preferably somewhere nice and hot (so not in England).
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