Tuesday 12 January 2010

Model Interview
Ivy Midsomer:- model, icon, Satanic Slut, singer and all round inspiration!

So, the question that everyone just has to ask in an interview: What made you decide to give modelling a shot?
A friend of mine was stufying photography when i was 16 and asked me to model for her,i got hooked!

Who/what is you inspiration?
I love horror and history so alot of it comes from there but always work better to music,

What was your most interesting shoot to date?

Bizarrre magazine with this really wierd guy who thought he led a sex cult,luckily i only had to pose with him!

Where do you see yourself and your modelling in 5 years time?

Oooh i dunno,im working in a lot of films and with the band at the minute aswell as my
modelling but a career in any field would be ideal,
I'm looking to go more into the fetish side,i've got a big thing happening in april can't wait!

So many models have side projects, do you have one? Or would you like one?
Yep i front all girl rock band, Choker

Okay, let's talk news, how are you coping with the economic climate? Have you had to cut back on shooting/clothing/travel?
It's a bit tight at the minute but the works still coming in so i'm staying a-float,there are so many alternetive models now so the competition is fierce

Have you ever been unfortunate enough to have a bad experience with a photographer?

Not while shooting

How do you respond to jealous low life who hide behind the internet to only say mean things to bring you down?
I don't lol,
People only act that way to mask their own insecurities,i feel genuinely sorry for people like that

What is more important to you: Getting paid, or getting exposure?
Enjoying it!
But i believe both are equal in importance

Everyone knows that a model has to feel sexy and comfortable with themselves. When do you feel at your sexiest and most comfortable?

Infront of a camera all made up!

We know that you are only human! With that in mind, what is your most embarrassing moment on set and off?
Erm....i don't think i've had any yet? touch wood i wont get any!

What is your pet hate for photographers?

when there's no relationship established,I'm very professional but i need to feel comfortable and happy while shooting

What is your pet hate for models?
Not turning up!

Sometimes, you just gotta learn some lessons in life the hard way. What do you think has been the most valuable lesson you have learnt along the way in your modelling journey?

If you don't get the casting don't be too hard on yourself,there are thousands of hot ladies out there and you can't win them all!

And finally, what would be your dream collaboration?
I'd love to work with lithium picnic!
but i would like ..Me,Jane Doe Latex,Bizarre Magazine on this years covergirl comp (we can dream!)

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